Thursday, January 22, 2009

Prayer Please

If any body can please remember Derek in your prayers he is sick. And pray I don't get sick. They have been working long hours. So not only is he sick but he is having to work 12 hours plus everyday. And to top it off he called me at lunch today and said while working he hurt his back and can hardly stand up. The poor guy. I feel so bad for him. We get to go home this weekend. Which I am happy for but not looking forward to the 5 hour drive. We are planning to work on the house a bit while there. As for the pregnancy things are going well I guess the best they can be. But I think the baby is going to be a vegetarian. I have been living on salads, baked potatoes, and a ton of fruit oh and Captain Crunch Berries. I can't touch meat or I will be sick. It is so crazy. I just hope and pray that the baby is getting all it needs. Because in my mind I feel like it isn't because I'm not eating much. Well it's about time for my walk. The weather has been so nice the past few days. I haven't froze to death walking around the motel. I just might even venture to Derek's work show up and get the suv and clean it up a bit. But that's a big maybe I'm not to for sure how far of a walk it will be. ha. Well that's it around here.


Momma Tammi said...

We'll be praying. Can you handle beans or nuts? You can get your protein that way and with peanut butter. The baby will be fine. Make sure that you eat oranges or drink orange juice to get your folic acid.

Montgomery's said...

I'll say a prayer for him. I hope he gets to feeling better soon and that his back stops hurting.

Isn't pregnancy funny (for most of us anyway). The foods you love, you now can't eat not to mention all the other weird stuff that happens. I get the hickups and nearly get sick! Everything will be fine! Hope you have safe trip!

Gram (Connie M) said...

We are praying for both of you I guess Derek has to work tomorrow before you come home right? be careful and we will see yu here.

Tammy K. said...

poor guy. I will pray for him.
I am like you, I eat A ton of fruits and vegies. That is what I want, they tell me you grave what you really need when your pregnant. I don't want sweets or soda. Very weird, but it is healthy. I have to force meats down, but I try to do it.

d_lhays said...

Thank you for the prayers. Derek is feeling better. But his back is not so good.

Tammi- I got some nuts last night. And so far I'm able to eat them. Thanks. I eat about three oranges a day. But I'm not a fan of juice.
Amy- Yes pregnancy is funny and weird. Things I thought I would have a hard time not eating well it is no problem.
Tammy- I can't touch sweets either. There is no way for me to force meat down. It's so bad that last night Derek got a steak and the smell of the meat was it for me. I just about tackled the guy in the bathroom that was cleanning it.