I need go to the store and get him some books and toys that he can play with for convention. I am a bit scared of how he is going to act. He is so used to being free that wrangling him at convention is not going to be fun. Any idea's for that?
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
A Better Week
So things are going way better this week. And I am so thankful for that. I have got a lot of things done already. I got Tyler's birthday invitations designed and just need to get them printed. Got all the decorations picked out and in the shopping cart and will order tonight when hubby goes threw it with me. We are now down to one nursing feeding right before bed. That's gonna be the tough one. But we will tackle that after convention. I still need to finish up house work. But that is a never ending job with an 11 month old. Speaking of the 11 month old. He is getting closer and closer to walking. He will take five steps here and there. And spends most of his days standing or finding something to climb. He helps in laundry by climbing into the dryer and throwing the cloths out of it. Not my idea of helping.
I need go to the store and get him some books and toys that he can play with for convention. I am a bit scared of how he is going to act. He is so used to being free that wrangling him at convention is not going to be fun. Any idea's for that?

I need go to the store and get him some books and toys that he can play with for convention. I am a bit scared of how he is going to act. He is so used to being free that wrangling him at convention is not going to be fun. Any idea's for that?
Monday, June 28, 2010
So glad it is a new week. Last week was one of the worst ever. It started with Tyler being sick. Taking him to the ER late one night. Then the landlord not getting rent that we mailed. I guess the mail lost it. So we are now 500 dollars in the hole just like that because we use money orders. Then my dad calling and saying he wasn't able to make it out to visit like planned. To much in one week if you ask me. But it's in the past and there isn't anything I can do about it. So it's a new week. Today has been full of running around taking care of things. I have two more phone calls to make and I will be done with all my work for the day. And I hope the rest of the week turns out okay.
In other things Tyler and me are going to start going to a mommy and me swim class that the YMCA has. I am looking forward to it. I think he will really enjoy it. And maybe I can meet some moms and make friends too. Tyler is 11 months old today. In one month he will be 1! I can not believe it. I have no choice but to order his birthday stuff. I have put it off as long as I could. And here is my baby.

In other things Tyler and me are going to start going to a mommy and me swim class that the YMCA has. I am looking forward to it. I think he will really enjoy it. And maybe I can meet some moms and make friends too. Tyler is 11 months old today. In one month he will be 1! I can not believe it. I have no choice but to order his birthday stuff. I have put it off as long as I could. And here is my baby.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Check's Off The List
Tyler is no longer nursing during the day. We are right on schedule. I really want to get him broke by his first birthday. It is so bitter sweet. As I know the days are coming to end of him needing me and only me in that area. *sniff sniff* But on the other side, it has allowed him to be able to stay with family and not need me. And me get a little mommy time. Another check off the list. Derek is done with his school books!! Now we are praying we will get moved somewhere for he can get his last 500 work experience hours. Then we will be done,and hope to move back home. If he gets moved soon we could be home by Thanksgiving. I still have along list of things waiting to be checked off but only time will make that happen. But this week I have to work on getting 1.Tyler's pictures taken 2.Order his birthday decirations 3.Clean and get the guest room ready for my Dad 4.Go fishing with my boys=)
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Ready Or Not ?
Is the question. My baby is going to be one in no time. I am starting the process of weaning him. I am working on cutting out the day feedings and then will move to the night ones. Tyler is doing great without the day feedings. It's me that is having a problem. I am so sad about it. I am having a hard time seeing him grow up on me! I still sit and think about when I was pregnant with him. The first time I felt him move. The morning play sessions in my belly and so on. And now him moving on to big boy things. Not needing his momma as much. So sad. Speaking of big boy things. He is now in a big boy seat. Which makes him seem so old. He no longer will eat baby food. We now have to order his own meal. He got his first kids meal the other night at The Texas Road House. And ate it all. Oh I can go on and on. I have been sitting trying to work up the guts to order his first birthday party stuff. But can't bring myself to do it yet.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Tyler said momma for the first time last night. I was so happy. And that's all I have been hearing. It's the best feeling ever. It's so cute. My little boy is growing up so much.
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