Tuesday, May 26, 2009
So we are back in Kansas. We had a short but good time visiting. I can not believe how big the kids have got. Just wish we could have stayed longer. I woke up this morning sick. I guess it was the weather change and what not so I have been in bed all day feeling mighty rough. To top it off I was supposed to go to OK today stay the night and go to the Dr tomorrow. But the guy Derek rides with wasn't here so he had to take the SUV. So I would either have to drive and get in really late tonight or leave super early tomorrow. So I guess it is going to be super early tomorrow with me being super sick. Ugh. All of this was real poor planning. Well that's it for me. I'm gonna try and eat something and I am going back to bed.
Friday, May 22, 2009
We Are Off
To Colorado for the weekend to visit. This will be my last trip out there before this little boy comes. Being I was reading last night and I really shouldn't be traveling anymore to begin with. Well at least not 12 hours from my Dr. Being I have less then 11 weeks left. YIKES! Talk about scary! But anyways not much else happen this week. Oh we did get a call from the car dealership that we went to last weekend. There is a chance that we can get a car after all. So please please be in prayer for that. It is getting closer and closer for us to need a second car. Well I need to finish getting the room packed up. Derek is on his way now. Have a Great weekend.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Where To Begin and Pictures
Lets me start by saying Derek is off storm. I met him last Wed night to be exact. We stood that night in KS then headed to OK for a four day weekend. I would like to say it was a nice relaxed weekend but it was far from that. We got there Thursday and it was none stop we looked at a few cars found one we love tired to get it and it didn't work out. So that hunt is still on! Next we finally got registered well at one place anyway. It took well over two hours so I was not about to go to another store and take that long again. Then drum roll please! We got Ty's room done!!! After working on it all day Sat it's done. I spot painted all day and could hardly move the next day but it's complete. So with that I have the before and after pictures.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Lets See
No car hunt happen this weekend. But I think all of Ty's room is done now. And all we need to do is start setting it up. I say think because we didn't get to go to Oklahoma over the weekend. Instead I came to Colorado and Derek went on storm. Derek's dad went over on Saturday and worked on it. From the pictures over the phone it looks pretty good. So I will just have to wait and see. Which I can't hardly stand.
So my weekend was good. I got to see a lot of people and family I hadn't seen in awhile. It was district convention here so I was able to go Friday night and Saturday morning. I was truly blessed. And was happy I got to go.
So with that taking place and it also being mothers day some of the family from Craig had come down and others from town all got together for dinner and just visited. It was good to get to see them . Of course with all that going on I still missed my hubby. But what can ya do. I hope they get the work done soon for we can be together again. That about sums it up for now. We shall see where I'm at in a couple of days.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Car Hunt!

Speaking of running out of time. It is getting closer and closer till the little one will be here. As of yesterday I went threw and made a detailed list of the remaining things needed for Ty. Talk about a lot of things. Derek says I am stressing about little things now. But even the littlest of things is needed and those are the ones that are forgot. Also we are needing to find a pediatrician for him and that is no easy job. Well other then that nothing else is going on. This week has been a quiet fast moving week. We will be going home tomorrow. For what I am sure will be a non stop weekend full of work and running around. Have a great weekend!
Monday, May 4, 2009
So Much To Thank Him For
Okay this weekend was a long one. To start off I had my Dr everything went great. Just as I thought no news was good news. I don't have sugar problems and I am measuring right on target and my weight gain is great. PTL for that! Then comes flooding. We could have been in serious trouble when we hit water on the highway and was going 50mph and it stopped us dead on the road. It was like hitting a brick wall. I called the highway department and they ended up shutting the highway down the rest of the day. Thank the Lord he keep us safe. In other things we got Ty's crib thanks to my dad. He called awhile back and said he wanted to buy that for us. So that was a huge help and one more thing to check off the list. We did start on the trim and base board but only got as far as getting them painted. But it is one step closer. Okay moving on because there is a lot of things left to write. Our Suv decided it was going to break and have problems Saturday so we had a big deal trying to get it fixed Saturday night and Sunday. After finding the problem and buying the parts two times we got it fixed. They broke the new parts once thus having to buy it twice.
Now the biggest thing to thank him for. Since Derek and I have been working in Kansas we have been praying to start a work here. A few weeks back we got an email about a man up in Wichita and him wanting The Church of God up there. So Derek talked with him and we are going to start Sunday school class with him. Well we started it last night. It ended up being him, his dad, his brother and two other neighbors he had invited. We did the lesson with them sang songs and Derek ended up preaching a bit. They are so hungry for the truth. And the two sons and dad are so loving and nice. We ended up leaving there house at 11:30pm. And that was because we still had a two hour drive to where the town we stay at is. Then today Derek got a txt message from one of the son's wanting us to call him tonight when we can both be on speaker phone and saying the truth is marching on and Thanking God. So please be in prayer for this work and these people and for us as this is a new to us.
Well this is a long post. And my little boy is letting me know I need to get some food. Have a good day.
Now the biggest thing to thank him for. Since Derek and I have been working in Kansas we have been praying to start a work here. A few weeks back we got an email about a man up in Wichita and him wanting The Church of God up there. So Derek talked with him and we are going to start Sunday school class with him. Well we started it last night. It ended up being him, his dad, his brother and two other neighbors he had invited. We did the lesson with them sang songs and Derek ended up preaching a bit. They are so hungry for the truth. And the two sons and dad are so loving and nice. We ended up leaving there house at 11:30pm. And that was because we still had a two hour drive to where the town we stay at is. Then today Derek got a txt message from one of the son's wanting us to call him tonight when we can both be on speaker phone and saying the truth is marching on and Thanking God. So please be in prayer for this work and these people and for us as this is a new to us.
Well this is a long post. And my little boy is letting me know I need to get some food. Have a good day.
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